We pickle chillies, cucumbers (the little ones), koss lettuce, small aubergines stuffed with garlic, small turnips with a beetroot (they go a cute pink). Chillies are our favourite but the method is the same for each.
Clean the veg, trim stalks etc. Pierce each item with a large darning needle, small kebab stick or something similar.
Pack clean jars, preferably the clamp top ones, with the vegetables. Pack in as closely as possible.
Take a litre of tap water (not filtered) and add a tablespoon (heaped)of maldon salt and five tablespoons of white vinegar. Mix thoroughly and ensure the salt is fully dissolved. Mix up additional liquid in the same ratio as required.
Top the jar up with the liquid and leave for a few hours to allow all the air to come to the surface. When you are sure the air is all out then put a half lemon upside down in the top of the jar (for flavour and to ensure the veg is fully submerged). Clamp the lid into place.
Leave for one month. Thoroughly enjoy!

We made 6 litres of cucumber and chilli. Last month we made 2 litres of hot chillies and another 2 litres of ridiculously hot chillies. The normal chillies were gone within a week of being ready but the ridiculously hot chillies are still half full as there is a limit to how many you can eat at any time.