Saturday, 12 October 2013

Beef Stroganoff Pies

I defrosted two small packages of stewing beef last evening. 99p each.
Beef spent the evening marinating in sauce sauce, maybe 1p
Today I chopped three onions 15p
Some celery which was almost in the compost 15p
and cooked it all the pressure cooker (scared? Moi? Indeed)
Then i added some chopped cabbage from the fridge, which was on its last legs (stalks) 5p
Half the economy pack of mushrooms 50p
Cooked it down and then tipped in a reduced cartoon of cream 70p

A quarter of this went a very long way with some friend potato to feed three adults this pm
Cost for those meals £3.54 divided by 4 divided by 3
= 29.5p per per meal plus the spuds.

The balance, with excess spuds stirred in is being made in baby pies for lunches.

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