Sunday, 4 January 2015

New year - more thoughts and things

De-cluttering - is there a more inspiring word for this?

Anyway I am up to 13th January in my disposals. And I haven't yet started on my wardrobe and under bed storage containers. So much potential.

Small money habits

Set up a change bottle for the bits and bobs (doesnt everyone?)
Another bottle for euro bits and bobities
A jar to save £1 a day so that next Christmas is free!
Also set up a standing order of £40 per month to Fahed's bank account which he doesnt use. This will replace the £1 a day jar when I forget to do it (i.e. before end of January - if history teaches us anything)

Still working on this. My list is too dull and restrained at present

I so love a new beginning

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