However I have other craft plans (plan B) in case I cant see to thread the needle even with the threader. My mum is also pretty much bullying to me to get an eye test, so maybe I am sorted out soon. In the meanwhile I have four large balls of really delightfully over the top freaky patterned wool. My knitting is a little out of practice. I started an 'eyelash' scarf at Christmas but sore knuckles and loss of stitches meant things never really got going. I used to be able to knit though and made most of the kids woollies when the were tiggy. So, I can do it but I maybe I should go slowly at first. I have decided to knit myself a shopping back. Not quite sure how big as I can't work out how far this wool will go. I envisage something like a smallish shopping bag. Are they called a tote? I was feeling a bit wild so I also bought a cable needle from eBay. I think I can remember how to cable knit so i think about three cables running up the back. I have googled for a pattern but cant find anything I like, except as a sale piece rather than as a pattern, so I might have to try to work one out for myself. Obviously good for a first time project (not.) So anyway hopefully this works better than the needlework project. Should be okay as everything is bigger and considerably more visible.

For the rest, work is starting to settle down a bit (hope I am not made to eat my words). Thats just as well as my home is crying out to me for attention. I will try to make myself a rule of no laptop before 9pm, then I have a gap between work and settling down in the evening to make dinner and follwoing day lunch plus a few bits and bobs aorund the place. Sounds like a plan.